Everything´s been grrrreat this week as usual! I´m going to start off this week with some photos.
Another photo of us at the activity.
We also had our last district meeting together and here´s a photo
Also, this week we´re particularly excited about a woman named Gladis. We've been teaching her about 3 months by now and she often came to church alone with her 5 children all under the age of 11, but wasn't progressing wonderfully. She was not a very happy person (she´s in a really rough situation with her husband right now), rarely in her house when we came for our scheduled lessons, she wasn't reading her Book of Mormon, we kinda had to drag her to church often... but now there´s SUCH A CHANGE! Something has clicked and she´s converting for real! She´s reading, coming early to church (still with all 5 kids), is on time to her appointments and we´re so happy for her! Her baptism is planned for the 28th this month and she´s finally ready and excited! It´s also not only her, but especially her 8 year old daughter who didn't like us too much before, now is excited when we come over and loves church! We´re soooo happy for them and so excited to just see things get better and better:)
Well that´s all for this week. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. HAPPY FATHER´S DAY DAD!!
Make good choices everyone and always be a good friend to all.
¨My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.¨-Henry Ford
Until next time,
Hna Safeer
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